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Digital Case Studies

VIE - Own your health
צפייה בסרטון

VIE - Own your health


Promotion video for VIE startup company, before launching

their Kickstarter campaign





- Organic reached 23,717 people

- 7,430 Video views

- 332 Reactions, Comments & Shares

- 1,500 Follow email sign-ups



VIE Website >>

Tibon Veal – 6 Episodes Online Series


How do you advertise processed meat without showing the product itself?

Creating 6 episodes online series, starring Chef Omer Miller and comedian Shlomi Koriat, in their quest after the No.1 kebab dish in Israel, Then, you wrap it all with the brand TOV and invite the audience to engage by voting for their favourite dish through Israel's top news website.

For all episodes >>,7340,L-12866,00.html





Hundreds of thousands entries and votes, more than 30K views, upgrade in the brand’s sales.


Full Episodes >>

KEDS Night Sale


An eCommerce special “Night Sale” – Giving the parents special deals during the night, inviting them to shop after the kids went to bed.




Converting 544% more sales than usual.


KEDS eCommerce Website >>

ZER4YOU – Welcome Prince George


ZER4U – Israel’s No. 1 bouquet & gifts company.

Celebrating the birth of the new prince, we sent a ‘Baby Love' package to the Royal family, inviting all our followers on Facebook to send their greetings.





We received hundreds of greetings, the package was sent to the palace and our Facebook friends got live updates every day regarding the package route.

SEAT #LOVECOMESALIVE - Valentine's Day Challenge


Launching the New Seat Leon, we asked young families to share with us how their relationship has changed since the beginning.



272K views, 2.7K Likes, 111 shares, 183 comments –

1 happy couple went to Barcelona and made his #LOVECOMESALIVE


SEAT Facebook >>

KEDS Next Star


Every season we were looking for our next star,
inviting all our Facebook followers to send us pictures of their beautiful kids.




Hundreds of comments, likes and new followers on the Facebook page.

KEDS Facebook Page >>

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